
Takabur is a 2023 Pakistani drama aired on Hum TV. Takabur drama cast name, story, writer, director, release date, day & timing, OST, and other details. The main cast of drama Takabur includes Fahad Shaikh and Aiza Awan. The supporting cast of the drama serial Hiba Aziz, Danial Afzal, Adnan Jaffar, Yasir Ali, Zainab Raza, Javed Sheikh, and Munawar Saeed.

Drama Story

The drama story dives into the complex world of Takabur, where ego takes center stage. Fahad Sheikh and Aiza Awan are playing the main roles in this drama. They love each other but they face some difficulties. The story is also about the man’s ego who wants to take his revenge on a woman he loves because she rejected him due to some issue or situation. The romantic love story takes many turns and makes the character’s life difficult and they have to face these situations with patience. Let’s see where the ego of people wins or not. Get ready for an intense story of payback, pride, and love in the new drama serial ‘Takabbur.’

Release Date: December 31, 2023
Every Sunday At 9:00 PM